Saturday, 21 March 2009

Dying everyday is the way forward.

I learnt some very wonderful mind-blowing things this weekend.

For me to make it to heaven I need to die to sin everyday.
I should aim for higher things.
I should focus on that very special crown.

It is not only me who will be awarded with this very special crown, but also those who are zealous about the Lord God almighty.

I have to die to speaking careless words for the words that come out of my mouth are powerful. They contain life and death. I need to confess positively always.

I need to die to slothfullness everyday, because, I will not be able to sow anything. The word says you reap what you sow . If I am not hardworking I will live in lack.

I need to die to saying O!Lord why me? O! why me and not them? I need to start saying why not me? Who do I want to get those things or those challenges I am going through? I will not be happy to hear someone say Lord why not her? So be careful my tongue what you say.

I need to die to pride. What people say will not be something I will worry about, but what God says. That perfectionist spirit must die and make room for the Lord. Brokenness is what I desire and long for.

I need to die to unforgiveness. It can be so painful but it is something I have to do. It will block so many blessings from God. I do not think anyone or anything is worth blocking my blessings from God. I honestly need to die daily with this one big time.

I need to die from any ungodly ambitions I may have. Those selfish desires that are not profitable at all should be erased from my mind. Ambitions that will not profit me and the kingdom of God should be frustrated. They should never be associated with me and my children.

I do not know what you are struggling with or what you need to die to, but I pray that the Lord will speak to you and open your eyes so you can see those key areas of your life that need sorting.

I pray that Jesus will deliver you from all kinds of weaknesses and temptations. It may be dying to jealousy, envy, laziness, selfishness, ungodly ambitions, sexual immorality, pride, unforgiveness, greed, lying, backbiting and gossiping etc.

As for me there is hope and I tell you things are getting better as I live one day at a time by the grace of God.

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