Thursday, 26 March 2009

The choice is yours.

Change in life will not take place until the individual concerned decides to do something about a situation. I decided a long time ago to turn my life around. To be positive and not listen to what the devil says and to rejoice always.

You have to look at yourself and take note of the places needing change and want change. Look at yourself and your life today and see the places you have messed up and say it is time to move on. There are some things you can not do anything about.

There is nothing that can not be solved. Things get solved all the time. The only thing is that they may not be solved the way one will be expecting but change will come. I believe that there will be an exchange somewhere.

We need to accept responsibility for the things that happen to us sometimes. It will be impossible to move on in life unless one is willing to accept part of the blame. Yes, someone else might have contributed to your pain and suffering but still make a choice to do something for yourself.

Sometimes we wish we had never met someone forgetting that the reason why we are crying is because we allowed the individual to mess us up. We gave them room either passively, through ignorance or willingly because we did not think that whatever it was, was a big deal.

Get over it and don't let guilt be a part of you at all. Confront the issue accept the part you played and ask God for forgiveness and the grace to move on. Do not listen to the lies of the devil, because he is the accuser of all men. You will get nowhere with anger, frustration, inadequacy, hatred and bitterness.

I believe that worrying is like a rocking chair. It keeps you going but it takes you nowhere. Choose to go somewhere with Christ. I know he will take you there only if you are ready, willing and have dicided to go with him.

I decided long ago to leave everything in his capable hands because he is able. You do not need to be depressed because with God you can overcome anything by his grace. Anything or circumstances of the past will not be able to control or influence your life anymore.

Each time the devil tries to remind you of your past or the bad things. Stand and tell him that you are not for sale anymore and that the old you is gone and that you are now a new being.

Stay blessed

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